Keyword : Namensverzeichnis
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkWarszawa : Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 19829 Gef 9
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkVerzeichnis der aus Litauen nach UdSSR verschleppten PersonenKaunas : Einheimisches Selbsthilfewerk in Litauen1 Genoz 25
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkDocumentation of the deportation of the victims of the final solution in FranceNew York : Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 198316 GB 22
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local network1945-1970 25e Anniversaire de la Libération des CampsStrasbourg : Impre, 19719 SA 15
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkStrasbourg : Impre, 19809 SA 14
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkVerdrängt und vergessen: KZs, Lager, AußenkommandosFrankfurt am Main : Eichborn Verlag, 19849 Allg 11
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkHannover : Landkreis Hannover, 19806 Wid 28
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkHäftlinge des Konzentrationslagers Bergen-BelsenBergen-Belsen : Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen, 199516 GB 67:A
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkWiezienie GestapoWarszawa : Ksiazka i Wiedza, 19789 Gef 1
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkIn: Gross RosenWarszawa, 19659 GRO-R 17:Heft 17
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkIn: Gross RosenWarszawa, 19659 GRO-R 17:Heft 6
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkIn: Gross RosenWarszawa, 19659 GRO-R 17:Heft 9
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkIn: Gross RosenWarszawa, 19659 GRO-R 17:Heft 11