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- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkEin GedenkbuchManegold, Karl-Heinz2. Auflage, Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 199316 GB 38
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Publikation ITS 1993 - E 3000, Bad Arolsen : International Tracing Service, 199317 IKRK 91:A
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Publikation ISD 1993 - D 4000, Bad Arolsen : Internationaler Suchdienst, 199317 IKRK 91
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Publikation SIR 1993 - F 3000, Bad Arolsen : Service International de Recherches, 199317 IKRK 91:B
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkDrobisch, KlausBerlin : Akademie Verlag, 19939 Allg 7