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- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Silberschein, AbrahamIn: Die Ausrottung der polnischen Juden, Folge IV, 2. SerieAls Manuskript. gedruckt, Genf, 19446 Ghetto Warschau 10
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkGeschichte der nationalsozialistischen KonzentrationslagerBenz, Wolfgang ; Distel, BarbaraMünchen : Beck Verlag9 Allg 1
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkEine kommentierte ChronologieGottwaldt, AlfredWiesbaden : Marix Verlag, 20056 Dep 4
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkIn: Hefte von Auschwitz ; 22Oswiecim (Auschwitz) : Panstwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2002ZS 76 - 22
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkWitkowski, JozefWroclaw u.a. : Zaklad Narodowy Im. Ossolinskich Wydawnictwo, 19759 DUR 9
- The document is publicly available on the WWW.Consisting of all people listed by this bureau as missing or deportedWien : Tracing Bureau for Austria, 194717 UNRRA 1
- May only be accessed from within the institution's local networkMiron, Guy ; Shulhani, ShlomitJerusalem : Yad Vashem, 20096 Ghetto 1